I know I said in my last posting that I wanted things to go back to normal but OMG I had forgotten how exhausting normal was!!! The school run, Playgroup drop off and pick up, dancing, Socatots, homework and Miss Molly having to be dragged backwards through the slush in her buggy! I am SO glad it's Friday and the weekend is here...

Ellie's ruler out on the deck last week measuring 8 inches of snow!
The snow is finally starting to melt which is a relief as we just can't seem to cope with it in this country! Paul, Ellie and I lived in Canada (Newfoundland) for a couple of years where they have some serious snow but they have the resources to deal with it...(they have to though or life would grind to a halt for 4 months of the year!) Our pavements here were hazardous at best and the icicles hanging from the buildings (although very pretty) looked lethal! Saying that though, everything did look beautiful covered in snow...Last Friday we had to drive to the nearby villiage where Paul's folks stay and collect his Mum to take her to the supermarket as she was nervous about driving down into the town. The scenery was amazing...
Trees that looked freshly iced pies
The last remaining red phonebox in the area...how much nicer are they?!?
Haybales in the snow
Bennachie in the distance...
...and the road ahead.
Me and my camera.
Have spent a lot of time in the house the past couple of weeks - apart from the odd outing, and have been photographing little things around the place that make me happy...here they are.
The bargain tealight holders I bought in Fat Face in Aberdeen - reduced to a tiny £1.50 each! Bought 5 not really knowing what I'd do with them...perfect hanging on the dining area light.
We did a jigsaw together last weekend. A 1000 piece montage of old Ladybird books - some of which I had when I was little!
Another houseplant that seems to be surviving! Got this Ponsieta from my lovely friend Lesley over Christmas and it's still alive - it's a miracle!!!
My little teapot for one...bought it from the Avon catalogue last month - tea tastes so much nicer when it's poured from a pot!
The teeny bottle of Hendricks that Paul found...too cute to drink.
Bought this a while back in Laura Ashley...it says it all.
The jewellery hanger that Paul brought home after a trip to M&S one evening (an impulse buy apparantley!)
Storytime with the boys...and cosy slippers!
After school trip to the sweetie shop...
Onto some crafty stuff...have been filling in my
365 challenge calendar (sort of) faithfully each evening and finally got the title sorted. Here's how it came together.
Made a frame (from old envelopes!) and used it as a mask on the page
Used the same stamps as the calendar pages
Added some doodles and Distress Ink
Cut some letters and numbers out using the Cuttlebug and coated them with Glossy Accents
Started out punching holes along the bottom edge and stitching but it didn't look right so added eyelets and ribbon instead.
Will stick the pages together once I'm sure I don't want to add anything else. Each month I can pull the design of the whole book together by using the materials from the double page layout on that month's title page. Need to get cracking with February!
Went sledging last Sunday, here's some pics of the action...
Paul testing the hill...to make sure it was safe for the kids!
Molly all cosied up in the wagon...
...so cosy that she's taking her gloves off?
After this it was off to the nearby coffee shop for hot chocolate and scones...thankfully my cousin showed up so he took me, Harry and Molly back up the hill in his car!
And finally, Molly Moo's wardrobe remix yesterday. She wore the hat most of the day...
Love those slippers! That's all for now - have got some blog links to share and some other bits and pieces but my bath is waiting and it smells divine! xxx