Well, it's been a while to put it mildly! June was a really busy month with lots happening at home, school and Paul's new job but to be honest, my heart really hasn't been in it when it came to posting on my blog since the last entry almost a month ago. I've barely even looked at anyone else's blogs either and for that I apologise but now the kids are on holiday and things seem to have calmed down I thought I'd take some time to review the last month...

Molly was fine after her operation - she's certainly trying more words and there has been little differences in the way she pronounces things but it hasn't been the 'dramatic' difference that the doctor said it would be. She now sounds like Harry used to before he got his hearing aids so our gut feeling is that she has an underlying hearing loss too. Back to the ENT clinic on the 26th of August and Audiology are doing a hearing test that day too so we'll wait and see... Thanks to everyone who got in touch via text, phone, email, in person and with comments on the blog - it was so awful not being able to be there but you all helped me so much through the day. This is the little trike and trailer we got her for being so brave...

My social life is like a No.26 bus...nothing for ages then they all arrive at once! June was one of those months with lots nights out - a big thank-you to my Mum and Dad for being the best babysitters ever!! Here's a quick rundown in pictures...
Caledonian Ball, Caledonain Thistle, Aberdeen - a great night out every year. The best bit is the getting ready in the hotel room. we bring a load of food and drink and beautify ourselves for the afternoon while the boys go off and do boys stuff (this year they went mountain biking). We get a group photo taken, have a lovely meal, stop our other halves bidding for stuff at the charity auction then dance till we can't stand up anymore. Fantastic.

...and after still!
Murder on the dancefloor...
Trend Magazine Awards, The Marcliffe at Pitfodels, Aberdeen - about a year ago a fabulous dress shop opened here in Inverurie. It's called
Vanity and it stocks lots of small, up and coming labels as well as established brands like French Connection and Mina. Cheryl who owns the shop is so lovely and has such a great eye for what suits her customers. I love going in there - they are great with the kids while I try stuff on and everything I have bought there has been worn time and time again. Vanity was nominated for an award by Trend Magazine and Cheryl invited some of her customers who had supported her through her first year and I was so proud to be one of them. We had a fabulous night at the Marcliffe, all wearing Vanity dresses, and the icing on the cake was when Vanity won!! I think we were easily the loudest table there and we were all so proud of her for putting Inverurie on the fashion map! I only knew the girls from the shop and one other fellow customer but they were a lovely bunch of girls and we had such a great night.

All ready to go...

Cheryl with her award!
Mixology Lesson, Orchid Bar, Aberdeen -
Michelle organised a girly night here the night after the Trend Awards (!) and it was so much fun. Ben, our teacher for the evening talked about the history of cocktail making whilst making us some amazing drinks. It was so good that I arranged to take Paul for a private lesson this Friday followed by a meal at a Japanese restaurant right across from Orchid - he deserved a special Father's Day present and this was perfect. We learned a lot (and drank a lot!) and afterwards went for a bite to eat then on to see Sex and The City 2...well, SOME of us went to see Sex and The City 2...!!!
Really looking forward to Friday after looking at those photos again - that had to be the best Cosmopolitan I have ever tasted!!
I'm going to sign off there for the moment...there's lots more to come but I think we need a break first!! xx